SVS Library

1st  Nine Weeks –  Most Points per grade level.

2nd  Nine Weeks – Most Growth on Star test from August to December.

3rd  Nine Weeks –  Most AR words per grade level.

4th  Nine Weeks –  All students who meet their quarterly goals throughout the school year.


Quick Links:

  • Class Newsletters
  • PowerSchool
  • Photo Gallery

Events Calendar:

Birthday Book Club

In celebration of your child’s birthday, you may donate any new (or like new book) that is appropriate for our SVDP Library.  Below is a list of students’ requests and popular titles that our students would enjoy.  You may send the book wrapped or in a gift bag.  During prayer and pledge, your child will have the honor of opening the gift and presenting it to our librarian, Mrs. Lacoste.  Pictures of this event will be placed on our library bulletin board and on our school website.  If you have any questions, please contact Lana Lacoste at 222-6000 ext. Library.

Amazon – Birthday-Book-club-list   (updated August 2024)